Apache Maven Mac Download

Apache Maven Mac Download


Apache Maven is distributed in several formats. The simplest way to install Maven is to download a ready-made binary distribution archive and follow the installation instructions. Select the component you wish you download to view its current or previous release downloads: ActiveMQ 5. ActiveMQ Artemis.

Step 1: Download Maven binaries from Maven Download Page.

MavenApache Maven Mac Download

How To Install Apache Maven

Step 2: You can install Maven at any location but since it’s a one time process, I didn’t wanted it in my user directory. So I installed it in /usr/local directory. You might have to use sudo command to install in /usr/local directory if you are getting permission denied error.

Step 3: Now open the bash profile file and add following lines into it. Usually profile file names are .bash_profile or .profile, use whichever you have in your system. If you don’t have profile file, you will have to create one with vi command.

Apache Maven Mac Download Version

That’s it, maven is installed on your latest Mac OS X and you can verify it by issuing below command. Creative cloud mac download free.

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